
The Power of Somatic Healing

Author: Quinton Haslett

Trauma isn't just a mental or emotional experience—it can physically impact our bodies, too. Somatic healing is all about addressing the physical side of trauma. It's an approach to therapy that recognises how stress, anxiety, and traumatic experiences can get "trapped" in the body. 

When these things aren't dealt with, they can show up as chronic pain, tension, or other health issues. Somatic healing aims to release that stored energy so you can feel better overall.

What Exactly is Somatic Healing?
Somatic healing focuses on the connection between the mind and the body. It's based on the idea that trauma isn't just stored in our heads but also in our muscles, tissues, and even posture. If you've ever noticed your shoulders tensing up during a stressful situation or felt knots in your stomach when you're anxious, you've already experienced the body's response to emotional stress. Somatic healing techniques work to release those physical tensions and help the body let go of trauma.

It's like giving your body a chance to "finish" the stress response that got interrupted when the trauma occurred. Think of animals in the wild—they shake or tremble after a stressful event, like being chased. That physical release helps them return to a normal state. Somatic healing uses similar principles to help humans release trauma stored in their bodies.


How Does Trauma Get Stored in the Body?
When we experience something traumatic, our bodies react instinctively—this is the fight, flight or freeze response. This reaction is meant to protect us from danger, but sometimes, especially when we can't escape or defend ourselves, the body can get "stuck" in that state. The result? Our nervous system stays on high alert, and the unprocessed trauma can become embedded in our muscles, organs, and tissues.

This can lead to a variety of physical issues, including:

  • Chronic pain
  • Muscle tension or tightness
  • Digestive problems
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep disturbances
In some cases, people don't even realise they're holding onto trauma until they begin to experience physical symptoms. It's only when they start addressing their body's needs that they discover the connection between their mental health and physical well-being.


Techniques Used in Somatic Healing
Somatic healing uses a range of techniques to help release trauma. Here are a few common practices:

  1. Body Awareness: This is one of the foundational techniques in somatic healing. It involves paying attention to how your body feels, where tension is located, and noticing any sensations during therapy. Simply becoming aware of these feelings can be the first step toward releasing them.
  2. Breathing Exercises: Controlled breathing helps regulate the nervous system, encouraging relaxation and helping to release tension. Deep, mindful breaths allow people to connect more with their bodies and promote a sense of calm.
  3. Movement Therapy: Gentle movements, like stretching, shaking, or even dancing, can help release trauma. Some somatic practitioners also incorporate yoga or tai chi to help the body unwind and let go of stored stress.
  4. Touch Therapy: Sometimes, a therapist will use light touch or massage to help release physical tension. This is always done with the person's consent and at their comfort level.
  5. Emotional Release: Somatic healing often brings up strong emotions, and that's a normal part of the process. As the body lets go of trauma, the emotions tied to those experiences might surface. Releasing them can provide deep relief.


Benefits of Somatic Healing
The benefits of somatic healing go beyond physical relief. Here are some of the positive outcomes people may experience:

  • Improved Mental Health: Releasing stored trauma can help alleviate anxiety, depression, and PTSD symptoms. By addressing both the body and the mind, somatic healing provides a more comprehensive form of therapy.
  • Increased Body Awareness: Many people become more in tune with their physical sensations and emotions. This heightened awareness can help prevent future stress from becoming stored in the body.
  • Better Stress Management: As people learn to recognise how their bodies respond to stress, they can manage it more effectively, preventing long-term tension buildup.
  • Improved Physical Health: Chronic pain, digestive issues, and sleep disturbances often improve as the body releases trauma and tension.


Is Somatic Healing Right for You?
If you've experienced trauma or notice that your body often feels tense, somatic healing could be worth exploring. It's a gentle yet powerful way to address the deep connections between your emotional and physical well-being. 

While it might not be the first therapy you think of, many find that somatic healing helps them feel more balanced, calm, and connected to their bodies.