
Clearing Negative Energy

Effects and Strategies

Author: Cailin Fourie

Often, we find ourselves unable to shake the indescribable feeling of being stuck. Physically, we are carrying on with life, but each step forward feels like you're weighed down by a millstone tied around each ankle.

Negative energy grows and feeds on itself when left untreated, resulting in mental, physical, and emotional clutter and discomfort. There is no quick fix to remedy this, and every situation is different, depending on each person and other variables.


The effects of negative, "stuck" energy are both mental and physical. It is vital to address and deal with negative energy as soon as it manifests, usually in the form of cynical thoughts, self-destructive habits and behaviour, mental and physical fatigue, dysregulated sleep patterns and physical ailments. Lingering in a negative emotional space can trigger anxiety, depression, and other mental health difficulties.

Our thought processes are a bit like a loop. If we stay on the negative bandwagon and don't willfully choose to change our direction of thought, which inherently becomes our feelings, we remain stuck in the circle of despair. Feeling better is a conscious choice, which is why it can be so hard, especially when we experience complex and overwhelming thoughts and emotions.


Surrounding yourself with like-minded, positive individuals, fosters an environment of positivity and a support system when the gloomy times start rolling in. No one person will always be in a positive state of mind; it is only human to feel the plethora of emotions (which include the adverse ones) we have inside of us. This is why a positive support system is essential- it allows us not to spiral when feelings of negativity come through and try to dominate our feelings or train of thought. What you focus on grows in your life, so bringing positive energy to your interactions and relationships is important.


Healthy habits are also essential—what you put in; you get out. A balanced, nutrient-rich diet balances cortisol levels (our stress hormone), helps regulate the nervous systems, and promotes good gut health, directly correlating to hormone levels. Ever noticed how moody sleep-deprived people can be? Getting the right amount of sleep each night helps us regulate our emotions. Good gut health, stable sleep patterns, and balanced hormone levels influence how we feel and function daily.

A different coping strategy for shifting from ill feelings suggests looking outwards for the solution rather than doing so internally. The environment we cultivate for ourselves is often a reflection of our internal environment (our thoughts and state of feeling). Keeping our living and workspaces clean, tidy, and organised can make us feel more controlled.


Whether you're on the creative side of the fence or not - finding your happy place in the form of an activity, craft, or art can uplift the spirit and help ease any feelings of anxiety, unrest, tension, or negativity. Creative activities, especially those involving our hands, stimulate the release of happy hormones by activating different areas of our brain than those used for overthinking, worrying, and other negative emotions.

From decluttering your mind, forming new beneficial habits, or engaging in creative rest, the key point is that "feeling better" is a conscious choice. All these strategies help shift your emotions from a low to a higher vibrational frequency.

While the facts of our lives stay the same, we have the power to change our perspective, which influences how we feel about our situation. Feeling better is a choice, and the power to make that choice is in our hands.