
Bliss - A state of complete happiness or joy. We all know what that feels like; it is a feeling of pure well-being immersed in doing something you absolutely love doing. I spoke with a prominent brand owner, and his bliss was working in his workshop. His bliss answered so many questions for me; the most important is that bliss is personal.

A workshop is one man's bliss and another man's frustration. I believe bliss, too, is an adventure and a journey, and should we not make the journey of seeking bliss, we risk the opportunity of finding it. I recently watched a video clip of an ex-convict who sought silence throughout his life and found silence in snorkelling.

The silence and beauty were so significant that it became his bliss, and he now helps other children and people experience the same bliss he did. My point is that he would never have found it if he was not willing to seek it out.
Here is to all the people out there on the great journey of life: the bliss seekers and the adventurous spirits who will surely find more bliss than others. Moments of awe and wonder will build up to become lives worth living and memories worth having.

I must caution you to do so with care; one man's bliss may also be another man's destruction, so journey with intention and consciousness and insist on integrity at all times.