
Things Emotionally Intelligent People Never Do

Author: Elaine Fischer

Most discussions about emotional intelligence focus on what emotionally intelligent people do and the benefits of being emotionally intelligent. 

Though it's important to understand the positive actions and habits of emotionally intelligent individuals, it's equally important to recognise what they avoid. Knowing what to steer clear of can improve our emotional intelligence and help us to lead more fulfilling lives. 

Here are some things emotionally intelligent people never do:
Negative People
Emotionally intelligent individuals stay away from negative people as much as possible. Everyone needs to vent occasionally, but there is a big difference between expressing feelings and constantly complaining. Negative people can drain our energy and bring us down. Those with high emotional intelligence recognise this and focus their energy on more positive interactions. If they can't avoid negative people entirely, they limit the time spent with them.


Saying Yes to Everything
Saying no can be challenging, but it's essential for maintaining emotional health. Research shows that having a hard time saying no to requests can cause stress, fatigue, and despair. Emotionally intelligent people understand the importance of setting boundaries and confidently say no when necessary. This respect for their own time and obligations allows them to manage their commitments effectively and maintain a healthier work-life balance.

Avoid Comparisons
Comparison is the thief of joy; emotionally intelligent people know this well. They practice self-awareness and understand that everyone's journey is unique. By focusing on their own goals and happiness, they avoid the trap of comparing themselves to others. This self-assuredness allows them to live a life that is true to their values and aspirations rather than trying to meet external expectations.


Dwell on the Past
Past experiences can significantly influence our present actions and future aspirations. Emotionally intelligent people acknowledge their past but don't let it slow their progress. They understand that negative experiences and emotions are part of life. Still, they do not allow them to define or limit them. By focusing on growth and learning, they move forward and pursue their dreams without being shackled by past failures or regrets.

Never Overstep
Setting and maintaining boundaries is crucial for emotional well-being. Emotionally intelligent people are clear about their boundaries and communicate them effectively to others. They ensure their boundaries are respected and take action when they are not. This might be limiting time with family members or colleagues who constantly cross their boundaries. Doing this protects their emotional health and encourages more respectful relationships.


Don't Prioritise Perfection
The pursuit of perfection is a common but pointless endeavour. Emotionally intelligent people understand that perfection is an illusion and that striving for it can lead to a constant sense of failure. Instead, they focus on doing their best and appreciating their accomplishments. They recognise that making mistakes is part of being human and use these experiences as opportunities for growth rather than sources of regret.

Avoid Saying Yes Too Often
Agreeing to things we don't want to do often leads to frustration and resentment. People with emotional intelligence steer clear of these circumstances by acting in a way consistent with their commitments and ideals. They are aware that accepting every invitation weakens their resolve and concentration. They can live a more balanced and satisfying life by choosing their commitments carefully and making sure that their activities align with their genuine objectives and values.


Don't Get Stuck in Toxic Situations
Emotionally intelligent people are adept at identifying toxic situations and removing themselves from them. Whether it's a toxic work environment, relationship, or social circle, they prioritise their mental and emotional health by stepping away from negativity. This proactive approach helps them maintain their well-being and surround themselves with positive influences.

Avoid Overthinking
Overthinking can lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety. Emotionally intelligent people practice mindfulness and focus on the present. They understand that dwelling on past mistakes or worrying excessively about the future is unproductive. Instead, they take actionable steps to address issues and trust their ability to handle challenges as they arise.

Don't Ignore Self-Care
Emotionally intelligent people prioritise self-care. They recognise that caring for their physical, mental, and emotional health is essential for overall well-being. They engage in activities that bring them joy, relaxation, and rejuvenation, understanding that this improves their ability to cope with life's demands and maintain a positive outlook.


Emotionally intelligent people know that avoiding certain behaviours and situations is just as important as adopting positive habits. 

Understanding these behaviours can help us all become more emotionally intelligent and improve our overall well-being.
