Raindrops …. gently falling,
like the tears of a child.
Reducing earthly temperatures,
from warm , to only mild.
Raindrops …. almost weightless,
with form so crystal clear.
Moisturising lands,
both very far , and near.
Raindrops …. giving life,
to creatures great and small.
Quenching thirsts of those,
who , otherwise , would fall.
Raindrops …. softly beating,
like the whispering wings of doves.
Enticing one to wear,
a coat , with scarf and gloves.
Raindrops …. leaving clouds,
so high up in the sky.
Refreshers of the universe,
they dance , without a sigh.
Raindrops …. expertly creating,
for all the world to see,
cascades of wondrous colour,
a rainbow …. made for me.