

Katherine Pretorius

In pixelated glow, we dwell,
Captivated by screens, under their spell.
Lost in a world of digital hue,
Disconnected from what's real and true.
Nature's symphony, once so near,
Now drowned out as notifications fill the air.
Birdsong muffled by the din,
As we scroll, our minds grow thin.
The rustle of leaves, the whisper of wind,
Lost to us in this virtual bind.
We've traded stars for screens aglow,
Forgetting the solace of the moon's soft glow.
But deep within, a longing stirs,
A primal call, a plea occurs.
To unplug, to step outside,
And rediscover our world so wide.
Let's begin anew, with eyes wide open,
From screens and gadgets, let the spell be broken.
Embrace the earth, its beauty profound,
In nature's embrace, true solace is found.
For in the wild, we find our place,
And reconnect with the human race.
Let's heed the call, let's break free,
And rediscover our humanity.
