
Cultivation for Beginners

A Comprehensive Starter Guide

Author: Quinton Haslett

Growing cannabis at home can be a rewarding experience, whether you're looking to use it for personal consumption or to understand the plant better. 

However, for beginners, the process might seem daunting. This comprehensive starter guide aims to simplify the journey, covering everything from selecting seeds to harvesting and curing your cannabis.

Selecting the Right Seeds
The journey begins with choosing the right seeds. Cannabis seeds come in various strains, each with unique characteristics. The three primary types are Indica, Sativa, and hybrid strains.

  • Indica strains are typically shorter, bushier plants that offer a relaxing effect.
  • Sativa strains grow taller and thinner, providing an uplifting, energetic high.
  • Hybrid strains combine elements of both Indica and Sativa, offering a balanced experience.

As a beginner, consider starting with a strain known as 'easy to grow'. Auto flowering seeds are beginner-friendly because they automatically switch from the vegetative stage to the flowering stage without needing specific light cycles.


Setting Up Your Grow Space
Your grow space is crucial to the success of your cannabis cultivation. Here's what you need to consider:

  • Location: Choose a location that offers privacy and control over the environment. Depending on your living situation, this could be a dedicated grow tent, a cupboard, or even an outdoor garden.
  • Lighting: Cannabis plants need lots of light to grow properly. Indoor growers can use energy-efficient LED grow lights, which provide the full spectrum of light that cannabis plants need. For outdoor growing, ensure your plants receive ample sunlight.
  • Ventilation: Proper air circulation is essential to prevent mould and pests. Use fans to maintain airflow in your grow space.
  • Temperature and Humidity: Cannabis plants thrive in temperatures between 20-30°C (70-85°) during the day and slightly cooler temperatures at night. During different growth stages, humidity levels should be maintained between 40-70%.


Germination and Planting
Once your grow space is ready, it's time to germinate your seeds. The paper towel method is a popular and straightforward technique:

  1. Place your seeds between two damp paper towels.
  2. Put the paper towels in a container with a lid or between two plates to keep them moist.
  3. Store the container in a warm, dark place.
  4. Check regularly, and your seeds should sprout tiny roots within a few days.

Once your seeds have sprouted, plant them in a growing medium like soil, coco coir, or a hydroponic system. Ensure the root is facing down and cover it lightly with the medium.

Vegetative Stage
During the vegetative stage, your plants will grow leaves and stems. This stage typically lasts 3-16 weeks, depending on the strain and desired plant size.
  • Light Cycle: Indoor growers should provide 18-24 hours of light daily.
  • Watering: Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Overwatering can lead to root rot.
  • Nutrients: Use a balanced fertiliser designed for cannabis. Look for products high in nitrogen, which supports leafy growth during this stage.


Flowering Stage
The flowering stage is when your plants start to produce buds. This stage usually lasts 6-12 weeks.

  • Light Cycle: To encourage flowering, reduce the light cycle to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness daily.
  • Nutrients: Switch to a bloom fertiliser high in phosphorus and potassium to support bud development.
  • Monitoring: Keep an eye out for male plants, which can pollinate females and reduce bud quality. Male plants develop pollen sacs, while female plants produce pistils.

Knowing when to harvest is critical for getting the best quality buds. Look for the following signs:
  • Trichomes: These tiny resin glands should turn from clear to milky white.
  • Pistils: The hair-like structures on the buds should turn from white to reddish-brown.

Use sharp, sterilised scissors to cut the branches and hang them upside down in a dark, well-ventilated area to dry. This process usually takes about a week.


Curing is the final step that enhances the flavour and potency of your cannabis. Once the buds are dry to the touch, place them in airtight glass jars. Open the jars daily for the first week to release moisture and check for mould. After a few weeks, your cannabis will be properly cured and ready for use.

Cultivating cannabis can be a fulfilling and educational hobby, and this guide will give you a solid foundation for your first grow. 

Remember, patience and attention to detail are key. Happy growing!